INNOLEA Objectives

INNOLEA project aims at the establishment of four leather centers in Egyptian and Jordanian Universities. This will be accomplished through the experience of European partners (CTIC, Portugal), ICPI (Romania) and CRE.THI.DEV. (Greece) that have expertise in setting up, equipping and operating such centers in their country and at the experience of other EU partners from their involvement in similar projects. The members of CRE.THI.DEV have also experience from setting up a similar center in Turkey, while in their previous job in ELKEDE Technology and Design Center. Further to that, JUST and CRE.THI.DEV. are cooperating for the setting up of Centers for Transfer of Innovation in Jordan and have gained respective experience.

"This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ERASMUS plus Programme. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of Innolea Partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programme’s management structures."