The expected outputs for all working packages are:
- 40 questionnaires from staff of the future leather centres, collected and analysed
- 40 questionnaires from experts,
- 20 participants for the focus groups
- 10 best practices collected and analysed
- 1 Methodology pack created
- 1 Database with EU best practices
- 2 Research reports developed for Jordan and for Egypt
- 1 Final (cross-country) research report created
- 1 Toolkit for the capacity building created
- 2 Capacity building sessions implemented
- 1 Report about the capacity building created
- 8 pieces of leather testing equipment and devices procured, delivered and installed
- 4 pilot sessions for the Leather centres
- 4 Centres' services organised
- 200 brochures displaying the activities of the activities published
- Collaboration platform developed
- 1 Quality Plan developed
- 6 Quality & Evaluation reports produced
- Dissemination and Exploitation Plan produced
- 100 contacts per partner for the contacts in Jordan & Egypt
- 300 printed copies of leaflets
- 1 project logo
- 1 project website
- 1 FB page
- 1 twitter page
- 1Sustainable business model for Leather centres produced
- 2 Background papers for the Roundtables - one for Jordan and one for Egypt
- 2 Roundtables “Leather centres development and Investment promotion for inclusive and sustainable growth in Jordan and Egypt” - one for Jordan and one for Egypt
- 1 Recommendations paper based on the Roundtables produced and circulated
- 1 Final conference organised and implemented in Egypt
- 1 Management Plan developed